In captivity, whales breach the surface more ... some experts think speed could also be a factor. In the wild, killer whales swim on average 3 to 4 mph and can sprint at speeds up to 34 mph.
The uncertain future of two killer whales is no closer to being resolved despite the closure of their marine zoo home two months ago. Wikie, 23, and her 11-year-old son Keijo are still being kept at ...
Both turned out to be wrong, and it was captivity that revealed the truth. Until the 1960s, research on cetaceans remained extremely limited. Most marine mammalogists worked in connection with ...
Dolphins and other cetaceans suffer stress and anxiety when kept in captivity, particularly when there is no enrichment or when they are housed with incompatible animals. Medications are routinely ...
Keiko was the 15-year-old orca that played Willy in the movie. He became the first captive orca ever to return to the wild. In 1977, Keiko was born in the waters of Iceland. When ...
The last time so many false killer whales were stranded in Tasmania was 50 years ago in June 1974 when a pod of 160 to 170 were found at Black River beach on the island’s northern coast. It’s ...
An curved arrow pointing right. The killer whale Tokitae, also known as Lolita, may finally be released after more than 50 years in captivity in the world's smallest orca enclosure. Billionaire ...
In captivity, whales breach the surface more ... some experts think speed could also be a factor. In the wild, killer whales swim on average 3 to 4 mph and can sprint at speeds up to 34 mph.
"Killer whales are highly social animals ... Keiko, the orca that starred in the 1993 move Free Willy, was rescued from captivity in 1996 before being taken to a bay in Iceland in 1998.
Tasmania’s Department of Natural Resources and Environment (DNRE) said a group of 157 false killer whales were stranded on the beach on Wednesday morning. Tasmania Parks and Wildlife Service ...
and false killer whales. Specifically, it would prohibit the breeding, wild capture, and import and export of these species for the purpose of public display. The bill would not prohibit the continued ...
Granny is proof that killer whales live long beyond their reproductive ... The infamous orca spent almost all of his mere 36 years in captivity, stuck in a small tank and trained to perform ...