Why not, say, ketchup and relish? There's no one clear answer ... with the earliest known documentation of mustard in 3000 B.C. and (an admittedly rather different version of) ketchup in 300 ...
A Chicago hot dog is covered in a specific selection of toppings: onions, tomatoes, sport peppers, mustard, relish ... pressed to find a dog doused in ketchup. The city's unofficial prohibition ...
So it used to be prideful, that we don’t serve ketchup. Meaning our hotdogs were better than everyone else’s." That’s why Chicago is so passionate about a mustard hotdog. “It’s all about ...
The Orioles are looking for performers to suit up in ketchup, mustard and relish costumes and become “Camden Franks” for their famous hot dog races. The position is year-round, according to ...