捷途 Jetour X 的预计销售价格在 15 万元 16 万元。捷途 TX 基于昆仑架构开发智能化方面搭载奇瑞的雄狮智驾系统。外观采用硬派越野常用的机甲科技设计语言大量直线线条进气格栅内嵌发光的品牌标识字母前大灯 LED 灯组造型越野风十足整车前部辨识度高。
HARD TO FATHOM that Jetour was once just an SUV model line of the considerable Chery Holding Group. Conceived almost exactly eight years ago and “upgraded to an independent brand” in 2021, it is ...
Zongheng brand will put emphasis on off-roading with a line-up of three models. Image: Jetour Global Its product line-up in South Africa set to expand over the next two years, Chery-owned Jetour ...
The Jetour Dashing is a car that catches people’s attention wherever you go. Whether you stop at a petrol station or overtake someone on the highway, you can feel the eyes of the next person ...
The challenging terrain further intensifies the rigorous test of vehicle features. The Jetour T2 has set a new benchmark for light off-road SUVs with its advanced engineering. The extreme cold of ...