全澳多个地区,都会看到蓝花楹Jacaranda紫色花盛开。 虽然目前新冠疫情仍未完全消失,但民众都出外涌到这些迷人的紫花树景点,赏花「打卡」。
The jacaranda tree is a stunning landscape tree with an impressive display of pretty purple flowers and delicate fern-like ...
For the best blooming, plant your jacaranda tree in full sun, where it receives at least ... is more advantageous because your plant will bloom much sooner than a plant grown from seed.
Although jacaranda trees can tolerate partial sun, they'll bloom more in an area where they ... While marigolds thrive in full sun, they can benefit from the jacaranda tree's shade to protect ...
Jacaranda season is on again in Australia. From horse races to fancy headdresses, Australians celebrate the Melbourne Cup with the Spring Racing Carnival.