3月25日,“2025全国咖啡产业博览会暨佛山GALA咖啡节”新闻发布会,在佛山潭洲国际会展中心举行。本届博览会将于4月29日至5月3日在5号馆举办。博览会规模1万平方米,预计吸引5万人次。作为华南首个咖啡全产业链专业展会,它以“展+节”双模式,搭建 ...
BEIJING, March 13 (Xinhua) -- As a crucial platform for the government to promote high-level opening-up, China's pilot free trade zones (FTZs) have introduced pioneering reforms to create a first-clas ...
XI’AN, Mar 13 (China Economic Net) - Northwest University (NWU) and Karakoram International University (KIU) are planning to conduct joint scientific expeditions in Pamir-Hindu Kush-Karakoram region w ...