I knew Calgary city hall had the nickname Cowtown Kremlin for a reason. They rule the roost and they call the shots and we pay the bills and are expected to shut the hell up. We know the score.
He's been a legislative reporter, a news reader, an assignment editor and a national reporter. When not at Calgary's city hall, it's still all politics, all the time.
Chandos Construction LP will develop the next phase of design plans for the fire hall, with an eye on cost reduction ...
Reid Hendry has been appointed at Calgary city hall to oversee housing, amid spikes in development following council’s decision to change the city’s base residential zoning. Hendry ...
Several members of Calgary’s sport community also showed up at city hall earlier this month, urging councillors to support the long-term recreation plan. Outside of council chambers after the ...
One of the longest-serving members of Calgary city council said this is his last term, as he will not seek re-election this fall. Peter Demong has represented Ward 14 in the deep southeast corner of ...
The City of Calgary and Rocky View County have approved an economic partnership expected to generate over $7 billion in economic activity and create more than 30,000 jobs across the region over ...