NEXT explains that if you're an independent contractor, it's your job to pay taxes on your own—and you'll want as many 1099 ...
Despite the mass confusion between the PPP loans and ERTC tax refunds, Economic Recovery Center announced the final IRS ...
Employee or independent contractor? Compare job security, finances, and work-life balance to see which offers better ...
Since you are being paid through the agency which placed you with the company, your recourse, if any, would be against the ...
Whether a company is a start-up, in growth mode, or looking to hire out-of-state workers, it may face a dilemma about whether to bring on a new worker as an employee or independent contractor.
As informational tax forms start flowing in, you are reminded to review the forms and determine the correctness of the form.
With 30 years of industry experience, Ronice Barlow is set to help steer the ICD as the unit's first-ever COO.
Question: I have an employee that wants to convert to being paid as an independent contractor. I understand I can save money on payroll taxes and employee benefits if I agree to the change.
Recently the Minnesota Supreme Court recognized a claim for negligent selection of an independent contractor in Alonzo v.
Colorado's second-highest court last week ruled for the first time that an independent contractor who injures another ...