to make the final push to the South Pole. FATIMA: Wow! So there were only five of you, alone on all that ice? OLLIE: And you had no way to call anyone? No radio, nothing? ROBERT SCOTT: That’s ...
On January 18, 1912, Captain Robert Falcon Scott and four of his men reached the geographic South Pole, only to discover they were not the first people to make it there. When they arrived ...
Team Polar, which consists of a group of students from Eindhoven University of Technology, is developing an autonomous vehicle to make research at the South Pole more sustainable, affordable and ...
He has made numerous trips to both the North Pole and South Pole to retrieve ice cores—cylinders of ice that are drilled from the depths of glaciers and ice sheets. When studied, ice cores can ...
A private lunar lander is no longer working after landing sideways in a crater near the moon’s south pole and its mission ... of experiments including an ice drill, drone and pair of rovers ...
Moon rovers are on board the lander, including a suitcase-sized "hopper" that will jump into a deep moon crater where scientists suspect there is ice to take photos. Two space mining missions are ...
Chandrayaan-3, however, was the first mission to land in a high-latitude polar region of the moon, 630 km from the south pole, and scientists ... contamination of lunar ice reserves by exhaust ...
The mission will focus on exploring the lunar south pole for resources like water ice, potentially supporting future human presence. IM-2 follows the successful IM-1 mission, which landed on the ...
A private lunar lander is no longer working after landing sideways in a crater near the moon's south pole and its mission ... of experiments including an ice drill, drone and pair of rovers ...
Intuitive Machines said it was uncertain whether its Athena lander was upright near the moon’s south pole — standing 15 ... of millions of dollars on the ice drill and two other instruments ...