Whale song is something we humans listen to when ... Zipf’s law of abbreviation was only found to apply to blue whales and humpback whales, though only five species could be investigated for ...
A mother humpback whale and calf are seen on the coast of Brazil in August 2023. Researchers say they've discovered that humpback whale song is passed down over the years and changes — something ...
A new study has found that whale songs can act as a barometer for the effects of climate change on ocean ecosystems.
Meanwhile, new unrelated research in Science further investigates whale song’s adherence to a universal linguistic law, as observed in recordings of humpback whales. Natural selection favors the ...
By comparison, blue and fin whale song rose primarily during the years where krill was more plentiful. The increase of humpback whale songs is also consistent with their ability to switch between ...
The researchers saw large year-to-year variations in whale song detection. The amount of humpback whale song continually increased, with their songs being detected on 34% of days at the beginning ...
Remarkably, whale song is an indicator of forage availability. Further evidence was found in the striking differences between humpback and blue whales during the later years of the study.
The researchers saw large year-to-year variations in whale song detection. The amount of humpback whale song continually increased, with their songs being detected on 34% of days at the beginning ...
Remarkably, whale song is an indicator of forage availability. Further evidence was found in the striking differences between humpback and blue whales during the later years of the study.
Unlike blue whales, humpback whales can also eat anchovies ... their silence signals trouble. A whale has no energy for song “if it’s harder to gather the food resources it needs to sustain ...
A humpback whale slaps its tail on the surface of the water in this photo taken from the beach at Haycraft Park in Maalaea. The Maui News archive / Matthew Thayer Nearly 500 volunteers gathering ...