1. 摩根士丹利发布了《The Humanoid 100: Mapping the Humanoid Robot Value Chain》,详细阐述了全球人形机器人市场的情况。 最近,摩根士丹利发布了《The Humanoid 100: ...
日前,摩根士丹利发布了一份全球人形机器人领域上市公司的百强名单《The Humanoid 100: Mapping the Humanoid Robot Value Chain》 (人形机器人100:绘制人形机器人价值链图谱)。
IT之家统计汇总,报告中共有 36 家中国企业上榜: 身体:旭升集团、亿纬锂能、宁德时代、双林股份、拓普集团、三花智控、鸿海集团、和大工业、上银科技、汇川技术、绿的谐波、双环传动、中大力德、雷赛智能、埃斯顿、兆威机电、鸣志电器、金力永磁、北方稀土、北特科技、恒立液压、韦尔股份、柯力传感、速腾聚创 ...
Navigation and sensing in humanoid robots involves real-time data acquisition gathered from sensors to obtain input for ...
在这份百强名单中,亚洲企业占据了显著优势,占比高达73%。其中,中国企业的表现尤为亮眼,占比达到56%, 中国已逐渐形成了较为完整的生态系统。在全球人形机器人产业链中的份额更是高达63%。主导全球供应链。
AI-powered humanoid robots that co-exist with humans to help our workloads may seem like the plot of a sci-fi movie, but companies have been working on them for years. Case in point: Apptronik ...
Morgan Stanley (NYSE:MS) has introduced the Humanoid 100, a list of global companies poised to benefit from the rise of ...