Driven from their original habitats, the animals are raiding crops and being killed by frightened farmers, but conservationists are piloting better ways to coexist In Makulpotha village, 89 miles ...
The findings suggest that dogs do not merely follow commands mechanically but try to interpret human intentions, ...
A new book offers a fascinating journey from insects to apes and a forceful rebuttal to bigotry showing what the incredible ...
In May 2008 a cross-party attempt to ban hybrid human animal embryos was defeated on a free vote in the House of Commons, by 336 to 176. MPs had been debating the Human Fertilisation and ...
1999. New ecology and the social sciences: what prospects for a fruitful engagement? Annual Review of Anthropology 28: 479-507. Smith, B. 2012. Language and the frontiers of the human: aymara ...
The evolution of sex, gender, mating strategies, and social relationships are hot topics in the study of nonhuman and human behavior. 1 People from many different disciplines are weighing on these ...