The Moon does not produce its own light. We can see the Moon because it reflects light from the Sun. The Moon orbits the Earth, and as this happens the Moon’s appearance when viewed from the ...
A long, long time ago, the Sun and the Moon walked the earth, living among humans as equals. Without their light, the Earth turned peacefully beneath the light of the stars. For generations ...
Even though the Moon is so bright, it doesn't actually emit any light itself. What we see as moonlight is actually a reflection of light from the sun. (Even more amazing: the moon reflects only ...
For a brief, but exciting, time last year, Earth had two moons. A small asteroid lingered close to our planet in its orbit around the Sun, temporarily caught by Earth’s gravity to become a far away ...
The rise of the "Snow Moon" today sets in motion a lunar orbit that will result in a total lunar eclipse for North America on ...
The viewer in the moon’s shadow sees scattered light from the sun’s surface that hits all of the electrons in the corona before scattering away. If you want to know the 3D structure of the ...