The sentence means Le Pen, the guiding force of the National Rally party, cannot run in the 2027 presidential election, unless she successfully appeals.
The Metropolitan King County charter lays out a multistep process for filling a vacancy in the county executive's office.
The permanent position that has commanded a $520,000 salary has been vacant for more than a year. Now, Mayor Brandon Johnson has signed off on the hiring of Kristen Reynolds, CEO of Discover Long Island.
The Democratic Party can’t stop America’s spiral into autocracy and oligarchy unless it casts off its stale talking points and reimagines what it stands for.
The appointment of a Deputy Speaker is a widely regarded parliamentary convention, with the Opposition holding the post continuously from 1990 to 2014. But the post has been vacant since 2019, Opposition parties point out in a letter to the Speaker.
The deputy leader of Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council has resigned over the government's recently announced welfare reforms. Last week, changes to the benefits system were set out, including stricter eligibility criteria for disability payments ...
Deputy Minister Seiso Mohai has assured Parliament that his department's operations will remain effective despite growing tensions within the Government of National Unity, emphasising established dispute-resolution mechanisms.