If you ever spot a horned snake (although god forbid), you'll see how it got its name - the presence of horns one above each eye. There are different species of a horned snake, for example, the ...
In the mountains of western Iran, a fascinating predator known as the spider-tailed horned viper (Pseudocerastes urarachnoides) employs a remarkable hunting strategy. This snake has evolved a ...
The Arabian horned viper (Cerastes gasperettii) is a venomous snake that inhabits the deserts of the Arabian Peninsula, including Saudi Arabia and Oman. This viper often buries itself in the sand ...
Examples include the horned viper with its mythical devilish horns, the rhinoceros viper with its wart-covered scales, and the Gaboon viper with its triangular head and long fangs. Each snake also ...