While Congress shelved Lynch’s report recommending colonization, it helped spark the US’s fascination with the Holy Land – and led to the establishment of American colonization projects in ...
Before looking through Lisa Barlow's incredible new photography book, I had never heard of Holy Land USA or the nearby village of Waterbury – but, by the end, I felt I knew it and its people.
Nothing in this world—outside of God—is intrinsically holy, not even the Land of Israel. Holiness is a status earned through just and moral behavior. It can be lost when people’s actions ...
Friends of the Holy Land are pleased to present 'Holy Sites, Holy People: A Lenten Journey' - a series of spiritual videos ...
This not only endangers the survival of a venerable institution but also imperils the historic Status Quo that has safeguarded the delicate balance of religious rights in the Holy City for ...
This 12th-century Romanesque basilica contains what is believed to be a cloth stained with the blood of Jesus Christ brought back from the Holy Land in the 1100s. It also houses relics from St ...