Healthy Aging Month is recognized as a time to celebrate life and the positive aspects of growing older. As a person ages, ...
Diet and Aging Maintaining a healthy diet as well as a healthy weight ... a week had half the death rate of men who had sex once a month. The researchers also found that among men who had high ...
Healthy, young hair usually grows about half an inch each month. It's lost at a rate of ... growth pattern should resume in a few months. Aging can have significant effects on your hair.
A supportive environment, including the right incentives and policies, can facilitate this transition. In Europe and Central Asia, bold adaptive action is needed across many policy areas to support ...
The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services is joining with the federal Administration for Community Living and senior nutrition service providers in celebrating the 53rd anniversary of the ...
California recognizes Older Californians Nutrition Month. California offers a wide array of services to ensure older adults ...
March is National Nutrition Month and the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion is bringing awareness to healthy ...
The study looked at gene activity in 17 different tissues in mice, from 1 month old to over 21 ... which may help cells stay healthy and resist aging. Their stability throughout aging was ...