Of the Olympians, Hera, Poseidon, Athena, Hermes, and Hephaistos sided with the Greeks. Ares, Apollo, Artemis, and Aphrodite sided with the Trojans. The only Olympians that didn’t participate were ...
Melinoë is the Princess of the Underworld, hellbent on killing Chronos for usurping Hades. She is aided by Olympus and has a special relationship with Artemis. She is different to Zagreus ...
Hermes relates how one day she is out picking flowers when Hades, god of the underworld, comes to the upper world and sees her. Hades is entranced and takes Persephone down to his underground ...
Hades 2 Warsong Update - Highlights The Final Confrontation: Battle to the summit of Mount Olympus and discover what awaits... New Olympian: Meet the god of war himself, and choose from his many ...
This Hades 2 update isn’t too big, given that we saw the larger one released last week, but there are some key adjustments within. For example, there are increases in Nocturnal Arms and ...
The second major update for Hades 2 is now available, adding a new Olympian: the god of war. Appropriately named the Warsong Update, Ares has now been added (but redesigned) along with all of his ...
Hades 2 is a lot of fun and a worthy successor to the original Hades, and it’ll be nice treat for anyone that enjoys challenging arcade action. Hades was a huge hit when it first appeared back ...
Hades 2: The Warsong update has been revealed, and it adds a final boss to the last level even though the game's still in Early Access. The roguelike sequel first launched in Early Access last May ...
Play video Alongside the major content additions for Hades 2, Supergiant Games has also made a number of small adjustments as the game approaches its full release. They welcome feedback from ...
Here are the highlights straight from Supergiant Games: More details are outlined in the Hades 2 patch notes published alongside the update. Speaking to the development process, Supergiant Games ...