Provides links to many sites relevant to Ancient Greek and Latin literature, as well as Greek and Roman art and archaeology. Provides links to many sites relevant to Ancient Greek and Latin literature ...
The major in Greek and/or Latin Language and Literature provides in-depth investigation and understanding of classical texts. You need to take: If you are taking a different class in another ...
In 1734 one record shows in addition to the above, "Whoever shall be able to read, construe & parse ordinary Greek, as in the New Testament, Socrates or such like, and be skilled in making Latin ...
Many old names of birds and fish are recorded by Italian scholars from the rich dialects of Italy, and new light is thrown hereby on obscure Greek and Latin words.
The ancient Greeks had a diet rich in natural ingredients, many of which are now celebrated as superfoods for their health ...
Your Artstor image groups were copied to Workspace. The Artstor website will be retired on Aug 1st. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology Vol. 29, 1918 Joseph Scaliger's Estimates of Greek and ...
Irish freely adopted Latin vocabulary during the Christianisation of the country, especially to describe religion, education and daily life ...