Please note that the animation includes depictions of violence from Greek mythology. We advise watching before sharing with your class. We learn how Gaia - Mother of the Earth - and Ouranos - God ...
Happy ending…for Odysseus and Penelope at least. Please note that the animation includes depictions of violence from Greek mythology. We advise watching before sharing with your class.
While other kids were angry about assigned summer reading, I loved whenever teachers prioritized fantasy and greek mythology books. That's why I've been talking nonstop about the upcoming ...
Hey Parents! If you have a mythology aficionado in the house or want your kids to discover Greek mythology, check out Nat Geo Kids Greeking Out! It’s a podcast for the whole family that retells ...
Some of you may recall the old Chiffon margarine commercial’s warning that “It is not nice to fool Mother Nature.” Mother Nature had nothing on the Goddess Circe who was the original liberated woman.
"Students and Children Perform Roles in Front of a Microphone". Every Wednesday on SBS Greek Radio. Source: SBS Greek "Students and Children Perform Roles in Front of a Microphone". Every ...
The Let’s Talk About Myths, Baby! podcaster will write a retelling of the Odyssey and the Horrible Histories-esque The Little Book of Bad Myths.