From here graph theory got expanded and generalized into relations between objects, finding use in fields from computer science and chemistry to biology and linguistics. Combined with algorithms ...
Expanders graphs are sparse but well-connected. These seemingly contrasting properties have led to many applications in theoretical computer science, from complexity ...
She got her PhD at the University of California Berkeley. Her advisor was Umesh Vazirani. Her interests lie in theoretical computer science and, more specifically, spectral graph theory and convex ...
Random graphs and matrices theory is a fascinating ... including physics, computer science, and network theory. Recent research has focused on understanding the spectral properties of these ...
This is the case with an important problem in computer science called "graph isomorphism testing" whereby scientists use algorithms to test whether two graphs are the same. In theory, it cannot be ...
GCN, a groundbreaking disentangled graph convolutional network that dynamically adjusts feature channels for enhanced node ...