Perhaps the most heartbreaking version if this though was in Batman: Last Knight on ... While most people might assume that Superman would beat Godzilla in a fight, that actually wasn't the ...
When Batman is about to kill the Joker, Superman steps in, telling him he will have to go through him as he does not want his friend to go down this dark path. The two fight in an epic showdown ...
While there are several vicious moments in past Batman films, especially in regards to The Batman and Batman v. Superman ... and what’s the top Batman fight moment for you?
we get a fun sequence of Superman, Batman, Robin, and Swamp Thing all working together to defeat him. The initial fight is mostly resolved by Swamp Thing’s willpower winning out over Woodrue’s ...
Astrophysicist and 'StarTalk Radio' host Neil deGrasse Tyson explains how Batman can compete against Superman. Produced by Darren Weaver and Kamelia Angelova. Additional production by Kevin Reilly ...