Battalion Chief Michele Fitzsimmons — a 24-year veteran who joined the FDNY a few months before 9/11—  was named Deputy Chief ...
The Glass Ceiling
US exceptionalism is reflected in a number of ways with important political ramifications. The electoral college and the ...
My mother yelled at me any time I broke glass (which was actually relatively often), but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t stomp all over glass ceilings. And here are five tricks to help you get ...
For much of my career, I dreaded hitting the glass ceiling: The invisible barrier preventing women from reaching the highest levels of leadership. I pictured a piece of glass at the top of a tall ...
The term” glass ceiling” is often used in WWE to describe a wrestler reaching a true top spot. World championships typically define that level of success, but even some champions failed to ...
Women have joined the workforce en masse over the past 50 years. In all that time, they’ve never gained parity with their male counterparts: women serve in far fewer leadership positions and are paid ...
For decades, career women have complained of 'hitting a glass ceiling' - an invisible barrier to further promotion. Now women are breaking through that ceiling at an unprecedented rate ...
The former president of Liberia tells Lyse Doucet about cracking the glass ceiling.
Sherry Bird becomes the first female Assistant Chief in Hawai‘i Police history among several department promotions.
‘I never felt threatened by men’ – Gloria Hunniford on breaking the glass ceiling as a women in broadcasting We use cookies to give you the best online experience. Strictly necessary cookies are on by ...