Although German beers are certainly not hangover-proof, there are ways to approach drinking these beers (and beer in general) that can tame and temper your hangover. Staying hydrated and eating ...
With spring right around the corner, it’s time to set aside those barrel-aged stouts, porters, barleywines, and winter ...
What makes German beer taste so good ... in any part of Germany you’re sure to find a convivial spot to do your drinking.
The Beer Purity Law ruled that only barley ... Writing in the 1st Century AD, the Roman historian Tacitus noted the German thirst. 'To keep drinking night and day without a break disgraces ...
At its most basic, kölsch is a German beers that's like a mash ... The result is the perfect beer for spring drinking. It’s known for its pale gold or straw color. It’s crisp, clean, light ...
Consuming beer and wine has long been an integral part of culture in the land of Oktoberfest. Not only is drinking in German public spaces like parks tolerated, teenagers as young as 14 are ...
According to Bockfest, bock beer is traditionally brewed for special occasions, with a particular link to spring due to German monks drinking it as a substitute for food during Lenten fasts.