今日(2月7日),经典 动作游戏 《杰克龙蜥蜴三部曲/Gex Trilogy》Steam页面上线,年内发售,暂不支持中文,感兴趣的玩家可以进入商店页面。 事情即将变得比里克·詹姆斯家里庆祝还要诡异! 这个甩尾甩出风格丶转台转不停的 壁虎 又回来了! 这次推出的是包含所有畅销冒险的《GEX》合辑!
Unique creatures, odd animals and new species are discovered across the planet. Some are found lurking in remote corners of ...
Leopard gecko madness! I'll spend this whole show breaking down Leopard geckos, from care to breeding. They're amazing ...
Kendrick Lamar Scores Big Win After Super Bowl Halftime Show Performance Venezuela sends 2 planes to US to return migrants, ...
Traditional anti-slip materials, such as natural rubber, repel water. But on ice, this approach can backfire. The pressure ...
Essentially, the tufts of tiny hairs on gecko feet get so close to the contours in walls and ceilings that electrons from the ...
In a national park of northern Thailand, a “slender” creature climbed up a rock using its “leaf-like” toes to grip the ...
As night fell across western Thailand, a “long”-limbed creature emerged from the rocks and took up its perch. Its “large” ...
Geckos are able to maintain a grip on wet surfaces not because their toe pads repel water, but because they attract it. A new ...
A privately held company, Gecko Robotics develops AI-driven maintenance solutions, attracting industries like mining and energy.
A gecko-inspired slip-resistant polymer could be incorporated into shoe soles to prevent people slipping on ice and other slippery surfaces.