IT之家 3 月 19 日消息,R 星在官网宣布一项招揽《GTA 在线模式(GTA 线上模式 / GTAOL)》“长期未上线”玩家回归游戏的活动。 据悉,即日起“超过 60 天没有登录 GTA 在线模式的玩家”(也就是 2025 年 1 月 18 日后没有登陆 GTA 在线模式的玩家)如果重返游戏,可在官网领取 100 万免费游戏币奖励。
GTA 5 recently received a mammoth next-gen update on PC, bringing the game in line with the PS5 and Xbox Series X|S versions.
Rockstar Games最近搞了个大动作,宣布收购了与其合作10年的澳大利亚悉尼游戏工作室Video Games Deluxe,并将其并入旗下的“Rockstar Australia”。 这次收购不仅让Rockstar的全球开发团队更加强大,还顺便秀了一把《GTA》(侠盗猎车手,Grand Theft Auto)系列的惊人成绩。
While Rockstar’s offer does hand out GTA$1,000,000 for free, getting the full GTA$3,000,000 requires spending real money on a ...
GTA 5 Enhanced is right up there with Cyberpunk 2077's Night City when it comes to extending ray tracing from a graphical ...
GTA 5 Enhanced is meant to spruce up Rockstar’s sandbox epic with improvements on PC, but not everyone’s satisfied with the end result. It’s been over 10 years since GTA 5 launched and ...
Here's a rundown on the key differences between GTA 5 Legacy and Enhanced on PC, including graphics upgrades, performance ...
To keep things simple, I've elected to test the shiny and enhanced, err, Enhanced edition at 1440p on each of these settings ...