I recently went through the freezer and found two more bags of green beans. My initial thought was to prepare them the usual way. However, I quickly remembered a French recipe, which is far better.
This French Potato Salad is a wonderful alternative to mayonnaise-based potato salad. It is made with green beans, hard boiled eggs, and a refreshing lemon vinaigrette. This light and flavorful ...
Green beans should have a bright, strong colour, with crisp pods with a satin-like sheen. They should not look wilted, discoloured or brown. They are best eaten when young and tender. To tell how ...
Wash, dry and chop the French beans into half-inch pieces. Add the French beans and tomatoes. Mix well and stir-fry for 5 minutes and then cover the vessel. Allow to cook for another 5 minutes. 9.
Sow seeds for runner, climbing French and dwarf beans from April onwards and you'll be picking lots of tasty pods through the summer months. Follow our guide to growing these beans, which can all ...
The pods and seeds must be fresh and intact. [Courtesy] French beans are among the most widely grown vegetables for export in Kenya. In Europe, production season lasts from July to September ...