Enormous quantities of edible food are thrown away every day by farmers, suppliers, manufacturers, retailers and ultimately consumers. Could cutting the amount of waste help us feed the world?
Food waste, and food loss which occurs when food is lost before it reaches consumers, are a global challenge. According to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), about one third ...
food waste means needless greenhouse gas emissions and amounts to a misuse of the land and water required to raise crops and animals. Restaurants, grocers, farmers and food companies are ...
People often buy too much food and some ends up going to waste. Planning ahead means you will only buy the ingredients you need. Storing food correctly helps keep it fresher for longer.
Every year, 63 million tons of food go to waste in the United States—that means 40% of all food that’s produced is thrown away. The New York State Pollution Prevention Institute (NYSP2I) connects ...
With an enrollment of over 40,000 students and 10,000 faculty and staff members, the University of Georgia supports thousands ...
Gen Z youngsters waste more food than their parents because they are confused by 'best before' labels and never learned how to tell if something is off, experts say. A poll has found teens and ...
More than £500,000 has been saved by Swindon residents who have put out thousands of tonnes in food waste for recycling in ...
Currently in the UK, the reported food waste figure of 9.5million tonnes excludes farm stage. Globally, 33-40% of all food produced is wasted, with an estimated 15.3% of this occurring before the food ...
Australian Food Pact signatories have cut food waste by 13 per cent over the past three years. End Food Waste Australia says a food donation tax incentive would encourage businesses to redirect ...