The Falcon Northwest Tiki crams all the power of a mighty gaming PC into a frame the width of a couple of hardcover books.
此前,博主@der8auer 发现使用FurMark烤机测试发现, RTX 5090电源线出现了明显的电流不均匀现象,至少其中一条线的电流超过了22A,是其9.5A额定值的两倍多。 红外成像下可以看到,几条线的温度也截然不同,在显卡接口附近的,电流最高的那根线,最高竟然达到了151℃,长时间运行必然过热,而低电流的线温度还不到30℃。 早些时候,Reddit论坛用户ivan6953晒出的RTX ...
Today we review the Falcon Computers Elite GT1 Assassin Gaming system which retails for £999 inc vat. Be sure to read the full review of this system over at <a href ...
As Falcon Northwest CEO Kelt Reeves said to me, “[The] PC industry is infamously low margin, so no one can afford to ‘cushion’ 20 percent. Prices already went up incredibly fast on almost ...
The outage stemmed from a recent update to CrowdStrike Falcon Sensor software ... Point-in-time restore enables end users to restore a Cloud PC to the exact state it was at an earlier point ...