Comparative literature is theoretically and methodically grounded literary research. Comparative literature focuses on the philosophical principles, theories and methods of literature, as well as on ...
The Comparative Literature and Culture Program engages the study of literatures and cultures within and across national boundaries. It comprises the comparative analysis of literary and cultural texts ...
The course concentrates on 20th century literature in Britain and its links to the major political and social trends in the period. Major focuses include Modernism (Joyce, Eliot), feminism (Woolf), ...
Queen Mary's Department of Comparative Literature and Culture department is based in London's dynamic East End, as part of one of the most international universities in the world. From this unique ...
Rhetoric around ‘common sense’ tends to focus attention away from climate action, but it has not always been aligned with a ...
See also: the website for the Department of Comparative Literature and Culture Queen Mary has an active and flourishing research culture with staff working across disciplines to shape the dynamic ...
Visit our programme catalogue for full details of the structure and unit content for our MA in Comparative Literatures and Cultures. Applicants should have studied one literature module, and have ...
Packing your analysis of two poems into one essay involves planning. There are different ways you could approach writing a comparative essay. These are some points to think about: ...