A relative clause contains a WH-phrase which moves and is adjoined to CP: The student who likes syntax is a cog-sci major. Our neighbor's dog, who the mailman was bit by, has been muzzled. The ...
1. Relative clauses are “embedded” grammatical structures, contained inside other grammatical structures. 2. Relative clauses play a central role in English discourse. 3. Relative clause knowledge is ...
A relative clause can be used to give additional information ... Looking for extra activities to support your english lessons? There are more resources available, including videos on Shakespeare ...
In this clip, Mr Selfie finds out about relative clauses the hard way and takes an unexpected trip to Madagascar. This clip is from the series Grammar ... for teaching English at Key Stage 3 ...
An essential relative clause provides necessary, defining information about the noun. On the other hand, non‐ essential relative clauses provide additional, non‐necessary information about the noun.