Scott Fahlman, programmer and retired professor at Carnegie Mellon University, was the first documented person to use the emoticons :-) and :-(when proposing the sequence of characters to mark ...
Of the six billion emoji that are sent globally every day, around 70% are emotion based – for example, smiley face, love hearts. A smaller proportion of the emoji sent are sad expressions.
There’s something uniquely alluring about having your nails painted stark white and black, with the happiness of a smiley face for good measure—a combination both timeless and trendy!
But they don't teach emoticons in school, and some of them are actually hard to understand — at least for some of us. Below we've listed the actual definitions for all the main emoticons.
But according to a new study, there’s one thing that we should all be eliminating from our work emails – and that’s the smiley face emoji. Researchers at Amsterdam University, Ben-Gurion ...