2017年,Emma Walmsley接棒GSK前CEO Andrew Witty,成为MNC中首位女CEO。在遍地博士的制药业,“毫无医学背景”成为早期Walmsley遭受争议的高频标签。而今,这位CEO的薪酬有望达到2700万美元。
The British pharma giant said Emma Walmsley's current pay could put off candidates for her eventual successor.
GSK准备提高艾玛·沃姆斯利Emma Walmsley的薪水,以便今年与她的男性同行保持一致。 作为制药行业薪酬最低的首席执行官之一,也是为数不多的女性掌门人之一,预计在2025年将获得高达2720万美元的薪酬。
智通财经APP获悉,在一众欧洲大型制药股中,葛兰素史克(GSK.US)长期表现不佳。随着关键药物专利即将到期和疫苗销量下降,一些市场参与者表示,这家制药公司可能会再次吸引到激进投资者的关注,自2022年剥离消费者保健业务以来——这一举措得到了激进投资者的支持,葛兰素史克的股价下跌了约17%。随着包括艾滋病治疗药物dol ...
GlaxoSmithKline would consider buying Pfizer’s consumer health business – but only if the price is right, according to the company's chief executive. Emma Walmsley has also been busy shaking ...
For GSK CEO Emma Walmsley, there was good news and bad news in the company’s annual report. While it revealed (PDF) that Walmsley took a 16% pay cut in 2024, it also laid out a new compensation ...
GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) has appointed its consumer health leader, Emma Walmsley, to take over as CEO when Sir Andrew Witty retires next year. Walmsley has a background in marketing, and joined GSK ...
LON:GSK opened at GBX 1,429 ($18.05) on Friday. The company has a debt-to-equity ratio of 114.64, a quick ratio of 0.73 and a current ratio of 0.81. The firm has a market cap of £57.99 billion ...
Roula Khalaf, Editor of the FT, selects her favourite stories in this weekly newsletter. GSK has proposed increasing pay for its chief executive Emma Walmsley to as much as £21.6mn a year, as the ...
GSK stock opened at GBX 1,444.50 ($18.15) on Friday. The company has a debt-to-equity ratio of 114.64, a quick ratio of 0.73 and a current ratio of 0.81. GSK plc has a 52 week low of GBX 1,282.50 ...