To do so is to risk one’s life when raising the alarm about a real emergency that may go duly ... Fox did just that in a recent broadcast, using a designated alarm tone for an advert.
Cell towers will broadcast the emergency alert for ... "This is a nationwide test of the Emergency Alert System, issued by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, covering the United States ...
The Emergency Alert System is Not To Be Trifled With ... along with the phrasing “This is not a test, this is an emergency broadcast transmission.” Outside of advertising, the FCC doesn ...
Digital Alert Systems DASDEC provides redundancy and regional capabilities for emergency messaging.
If you receive an emergency alert on your phone or hear tornado sirens next Wednesday afternoon, Ingham County Emergency Management wants you to know it is just a test.
(WAVY) – The College of William & Mary is expected to test its emergency notification system on Wednesday ... This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.
The Emergency Alert System will test its communications systems Tuesday morning to prepare for tornado season.
Alert, will undergo a nationwide test on April 1, as announced by Chief Commissioner Alexander Dzhartov, director of the Fire Safety and Population Protection Directorate. The test will take place ...
First came the discordant tone of the Emergency Alert System — you know the sound, usually signaling a test, no big deal ... your regularly scheduled broadcast to issue a warning — had ...
On Tuesday morning, the state of Indiana underwent a state tornado drill, where residents may have heard tests of outdoor ...