The drift mine, near Appleby-in-Westmorland ... "Like the old saying from the coal miners: It's always the good roof that'll get you, not a bad roof because you've got that sorted." ...
The Arctic archipelago of Svalbard, belonging to Norway, is famous for being home to the Global Seed Vault and for having ...
AFP via Getty After over a month, the remaining five missing miners’ bodies were recovered from a flooded coal mine in India's north-eastern state of Assam on Wednesday, Feb. 19, BBC ...
“The connection drift development and test mining efforts have been very successful to date, which is a testament to our mine crews’ ability to operate safely and efficiently.
Rescue workers retrieved bodies bodies of miners from a flooded rat-hole coal mine in Assam’s Dima Hasao district by Saturday (January 11, 2025) afternoon. Four bodies have been recovered so far ...