How do butterflies and moths (known collectively as Lepidoptera) make use of their vibrant wing patterns? Why are some species experts in camouflage? Museum Microlepidoptera curator Dr David Lees ...
Show your class the different types of tree bark. Get your class to predict which colour of peppered moth might be better camouflaged. Test predictions by moving the moth pictures onto the different ...
At the present time it is the most popular as well as most useful book extant on the subject, treating as it does of the butterflies of the United States and Canada. View Full Article in ...
Early fall brings an amazing insect to our flower gardens across the United States. It is the White-lined Sphinx Moth (Hyles lineata), also called the Hawk Moth or Hummingbird Moth. No matter what ...
WASHINGTON— After more than 30 years of consideration, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service today finalized the listing of the rare bog buck moth as endangered under the Endangered Species Act. But the ...