This could be used to introduce students to the ecosystem of the desert and how people, plants and animals adapt to the conditions. Students could be given a list of plants or animals and asked to ...
KS2 Geography. Biomes. A short video for pupils aged 7 to 11 investigating two of Earth's major biomes - rainforests and ...
The new Argentine dino might give us clues to what the world was like before the asteroid wiped out their kind.
1979) of the seeds by seed-eating insects and animals (Figure ... function and ecosystem dynamics: Contribution to ecological restoration in the southern Namib Desert. AMBIO 30, 29-36 (2001).
Few animals can make it their home ... paint a picture of a species occupying a delicate position within the desert ecosystem. In recent years, one of us (Karl Vernes) has mounted several ...
Few animals can make it their home ... paint a picture of a species occupying a delicate position within the desert ecosystem ...
"All three reintroduced mammal species are doing exceptionally well since release, with the populations increasing and lots of pouch young and new animals ... restore the desert ecosystem appeared ...
"Finetuning the search through understanding the animals' diet better might just resurrect the little desert survivor once more," adds Dr Mitchell. Using computer models of historic skeleton ...
Beyond the saguaros, an intricate web of life flourishes. Mesquite and palo verde trees provide shade and sustenance while blooming ocotillo and prickly pear cacti attract pollinators like ...