Dendritic cell therapy has emerged as a promising alternative for treating various forms of cancer, particularly in ...
虽然已知 RelB 对基因表达有激活和抑制作用,且可能通过多种机制参与基因调控,但在 RelB 缺陷的患者和小鼠中,其导致自身免疫的具体机制仍不明确。由于 DCs 在自身免疫疾病中作用关键,且 RelB 在健康小鼠和人类 DCs 中高表达,研究人员旨在探究 RelB 在 DCs 中抑制炎症基因表达的具体机制。
Discover a clinical trial that was conducted to evaluate the efficacy and safety of autologous HBV vaccine-pulsed dendritic cells and their induced T cells.
The study analyzed both immunological (receptor activation, cytokine secretion, T-cell modulation) and metabolic parameters ...
LINDA M. LIAU NEUROSURGERY Chair, Department of Neurosurgery at UCLA Health; Professor and Director, UCLA Brain Tumor Center; ...