The National Archives needs help from people with a special set of skills–reading cursive. The archival bureau is seeking ...
Two lawmakers have introduced bills that would require students to learn cursive handwriting in Missouri schools.
To date, more than 4,000 Revolutionary War Pension Project volunteers have typed up the content of over 80,000 pages of ...
By 2010, the Common Core teaching standards emphasized keyboard skills (once taught as “typewriting”) and no longer required handwriting on the presumption that most of the writing students would do ...
A student at Orangethorpe Elementary School practices writing cursive as California grade school students are being required to learn cursive handwriting this year, in Fullerton, California ...
“If you look at Abigail Adams' letters to her husband (President John Adams) and his responses, the cursive is an art form, it’s so uniform,” she said. AI is starting to be able to read ...
It’s an uphill – but by no means impossible – battle to become comfortable with reading and writing the conjoined script. And it opens up access to a wealth of older documents. Cursive is ...
WASHINGTON — Reading cursive writing is a skill that could be fading ... tend to use it only for signing their name -- meaning most people lack practice in reading and deciphering the often ...