A new World Bank report shows that poverty in Africa may be lower than current estimates suggest and no systematic increase in inequality, given the available data Challenges remain substantial: more ...
Two thirds of the world’s population in extreme poverty live in Sub-Saharan Africa, rising to three quarters when including ... The number of people living on less than $6.85 per day has remained ...
Ahead of Human Rights Day experts highlight the ongoing struggles faced by marginalised communities in South Africa, ...
On Monday, deputy president Paul Mashatile, will deliver the keynote address at the national World TB Day commemorative event ...
Education reforms in Africa must also prioritise training and equipping school teachers and other educators with modern teaching ...
With the help of artificial intelligence (AI), these villagers in the narrow strip of land in West Africa ... poverty, defined by the World Bank as living on less than $2.15 per day.
How can South Africa's government deliver on the right ... millions more survive below the food poverty line, unable to afford even a basic nutritious diet for their families.
Female activists raised their voices at the United Nations on Friday as they marked International Women's Day amid a global ...