sit-ups debate. Keep reading for the benefits and ... I just add a twist—pointing one elbow toward opposite knee—to spice things up or crunch to the beat of a song,” Amato says.
Sit-ups tighten and tone the abdominal muscles that run from beneath the sternum to above the pelvis. This results in a flatter stomach and, if practised along with plenty of aerobic exercise ...
And yes, sit-ups can build stronger abs ... A tortured metaphor, but you get the idea. Aim to feel a crunch in your core and a stretch in your hamstrings as you drive your feet inward.
“I have trained a number of clients who have achieved a strong core and visible abdominals without having to perform a single lying crunch ... in a way that sit-ups and planks cannot do ...
If you’re bored of doing your regular sit-ups then take this as your sign to stop as, according to a personal trainer there are far better exercises out there that you can be doing.
Push-ups, crunches, and sit-ups are staple ab ... your dumbbells to add variety to your sessions. There are a few sit-up and crunch variations, but they sit nicely alongside dumbbell drag-throughs ...