The order comes after Democratic incumbent Allison Riggs lost her bid to have the case heard by the entire 15-judge Court of ...
Chief Justice John Roberts first arrived at the Supreme Court in 1980, as a law clerk to then-Associate Justice William ...
A Mahoning County judge has ruled that the city of Youngstown acted lawfully when it reduced the salary of former Municipal ...
A court magistrate on Friday found sufficient evidence to charge about a dozen men with patronizing a two-state high-end ...
A former clerk at a district court in Lower Merion Township must answer to charges in Montgomery County Court that she stole ...
Attorneys representing both sides in the long-running legal battle over the validity of a Columbus City Council member’s candidacy in the 2023 municipal election say they are not sure how the Indiana ...
An Appellate Division foursome of justices upheld a ban on Simon's 2019 attempt to fire the village court clerk, Elsie Cheron ...
Cleveland Municipal Court is back open after a cyber attack forced a multi-week shutdown. Details have been limited about the incident itself, but court visitors said it’s caused a frustrating delay.
A report made public Thursday asserts that Arkansas Supreme Court Justice Karen Baker harassed judiciary employees on Dec.