It’s a story we’ve heard so many times over the years: breathless reporting of a new scientific breakthrough that will deliver limitless power, energy storage, or whichever other of humanity ...
A common problem for a crack that’s been injected is not that the epoxy tends to fail in the injection, it fails where it bonds to the concrete itself. As the epoxy is significantly stronger ...
Reinforcement is basically dormant until the concrete cracks. After cracking, it becomes active and controls crack widths by restricting crack growth. If slabs are placed on high quality subbases ...
Mumbai: After receiving multiple complaints of cracked concretised roads, the BMC has appointed IIT Bombay for a third-party ...
RMIT University in Australia has discovered this new way to turn waste carpet fibers into a key component for crack-resistant concrete. Australia spends a hefty A$8 billion annually to fix cracked ...
A newly published study in Engineering reveals a novel approach to the performance assessment of reinforced concrete (RC) ...
The ancient Romans were masters of building and engineering, perhaps most famously represented by the aqueducts.