Any data that does not fall into the traditional field structure (alpha, numeric, dates) of a relational DBMS. Examples of complex data types are bills of materials, word processing documents ...
In this context, the term Big Data Analytics describes the process of applying serious computing power – the latest in machine learning and artificial intelligence – to massive and highly complex sets ...
When using MLwiN in conjunction with REALCOM-impute only the first imputed data set is used when running the imputation analysis. The workaround is to manually specify the data sets to use in the ISTA ...
Data Science is a specialised team working within the Technology department at the Royal Society of Chemistry. As experts in web analytics, statistics, cheminformatics, machine learning, text ...
Understanding mean, median, mode and range is essential to be able to compare sets of data. Watch the video to hear Steph, a sports coach, talk about why collecting and comparing data is useful ...
Economic indicators are pieces or sets of macroeconomic data that are indicative of the past, present, or future state of the economy or some part of it. Even outside of the realm of finance ...
or combining patient data from numerous studies. To this end, several consortia have formed to examine gene-environment interactions in prevalent forms of complex disease. For example, the U.S ...