Looking for high schools in the Clarksville, Tennessee, area? The Clarksville area ranking contains schools from Tennessee as well as Kentucky. For personalized and effective admissions consulting ...
The map outlines what department is responsible ... in charge of clearing almost 1,400 lane miles throughout Clarksville, ...
CLARKSVILLE, Tenn. (WSMV) - Just two weeks ago, many Clarksville residents were trekking through inches, even feet, of standing water in their homes. Several had to be evacuated by raft when the ...
Day 3 of the jury trial for Palikna Tosie, charged with vehicular homicide in Clarksville, may have only brought two witnesses, but each had an abundance of information to share on the cause of the ...
Lee was joined by Clarksville Mayor Joe Pitts and Tennessee Emergency Management Agency Director, Patrick Sheehan as they toured the city hit with the water, visiting affected areas around Elberta ...
People in Middle Tennessee are being asked to travel only if necessary after a winter storm dumped a few inches of snow. Here's how the roads look.