Former NFL punter Chris Kluwe said he was fired as a high school football coach after a speech in which he called MAGA a "Nazi movement." ...
You may have replaced a swastika with a red hat, but that is what it is,' he told the council during Tuesday's meeting. The chambers erupted in applause.
Ex-NFL punter Chris Kluwe was fired from his high school coaching job after an anti-MAGA speech led to his arrest.
着名的美式足球联盟(NFL)球星克鲁威 (Chris Kluwe),星期二在加州亨廷顿海滩(Huntington Beach)举行的市议会会议上,发表一长串的抗议「美国再次伟大」 ...
Former NFL punter Chris Kluwe said that he was fired from his job as a high school football coach following his protest at a local council meeting in California. Last week, Kluwe spoke out against ...
Former NFL punter Chris Kluwe said he was fired from his job as a California high school football coach after a speech at a city council meeting in which he called MAGA a "Nazi movement." ...
前美式足球联盟(NFL)的着名球星克鲁威 (Chris Kluwe),最近在城市议会中发表抗议川普的言论而被捕,他在拘留4个小时后被释放。但是他的立场并不 ...
Kluwe, a Huntington Beach resident, made comments against a MAGA plaque proposed for installation at the Central Library, then approached the dais and was arrested.
Former NFL punter Chris Kluwe was fired as a high school football coach after protesting a MAGA plaque at a city council meeting in Huntington Beach.
Former NFL punter Chris Kluwe, who was arrested this week after protesting a city council meeting in California, doubled down on his criticism of the Trump administration Friday, again likening ...
Former NFL star punter Chris Kluwe was dragged out of California council meeting by police for 'civil disobedience' after a rant where he compared Donald Trump's MAGA supporters to Nazis.
In the aftermath of a speech he gave at a city council meeting in California just last week, former NFL punter Chris Kluwe said that his options for a future in politics are wide open. Kluwe, who ...