The estimated damages caused by Russia’s aerial attacks on Ukrainian energy infrastructure after three years of war are more ...
These attacks have extended to nuclear sites. In February, a Russian drone struck the former nuclear power plant at Chernobyl. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the UN’s nuclear ...
This site is now one of the most radioactive places in the world after it produced around 74 tons of plutonium for the US’s nuclear weapon stockpile. Established in 1943, it was used during the ...
Chernobyl was famously the site of the world's worst nuclear accident in 1986, with radioactive fallout spewing over a large part of Europe. Its reactors are now encased in a huge protective ...
The reactor meltdown in April 1986 sparked the world's greatest nuclear disaster, and to this day Chernobyl is surrounded by "some of the most polluted territory on Earth," Thom Davies ...