With access to a 10-MHz timebase from a cesium fountain atomic clock — no less a clock than the one that’s used to define the SI second, by the way — [Daniel] looked for ways to sync the ...
A standard atomic clock takes a beam of atoms that ... will be more precise than the same ruler with 4 marks. While a cesium clock may be off one second in 100 million years, the optical clocks ...
The invention – called the optical lattice clock – is a thousand times more accurate than cesium atomic clocks used for international timekeeping and is a contender for redefining how long a ...
A form of cesium atomic fountain clock, the atomic clock can be readily loaded onto various military vehicles, including trucks. The clock can readily endure long-distance transportation and is ...
Adtran today announced that the Brazilian National Observatory (Observatório Nacional) has integrated its OSA 3300 Super High-Performance optical cesium atomic clock into its timekeeping ...
Researchers have developed a new approach in optical atomic clocks that brings forth ... the transition of two hyperfine ground states of cesium, which has been the definition since 1967.
Adtran’s OSA 3300 SHP cesium atomic clock, the newest addition to the Oscilloquartz synchronization portfolio, is enhancing the capabilities of Brazil’s National Observatory (recognized by lab ...
Adtran’s OSA 3300 SHP cesium atomic clock, the newest addition to the Oscilloquartz synchronization portfolio, is enhancing the capabilities of Brazil’s National Observatory (recognized by lab code ...