Cerebral palsy adalah masalah medis jangka panjang yang bisa dideteksi sejak dini. Ketahui penanganannya di sini!
A three-year-old with cerebral palsy affecting his legs is running 500m ... But he is "very tactile" - meaning that his hands and arms work fine. Mom Georgina, 46, said: "He holds our hand ...
They both have cerebral palsy and will always be in diapers ... Sometimes it’s so severe that the bones in their hands and feet can actually pop through their skin. This has not happened ...
Josephine Mwende, a cerebral palsy warrior, has requested Kenyans ... Mwende disclosed that she has learnt to survive without the help of her hands. One thing that keeps her going is her seven ...
(Jaison Empson/CBC) This First Person article is the experience of Alex Lytwyn, who lives with cerebral palsy and is a disability advocate, writer and small business owner of Willpower Media.
Family members quickly told them a 23-year-old woman with cerebral palsy described as having ... zero visibility,” Turner said. “My hands were getting stuck to things because stuff was ...
“The first year of our work on this project was really around designing the bicycle to help children with cerebral palsy be able to cycle, so there are many customized aspects of the bicycle … which ...