Using digital blueprints of the metabolism of microbes, scientists can simulate expensive and time-intensive experiments set in space, power plants and farm fields.
The Hill Lab is interested in understanding how animals respond to cues from their resident microbes during postnatal development. How do early life host-microbe interactions shape organ function and ...
Using a combination of genetic analyses, environmental assessments and high-throughput DNA sequence classification of endogenous microbial populations in the mouth and gut, we examine how microbes may ...
Bioactive metabolites, gut microbes, and the latter’s contribution to healthy aging. ‘Aging’ is the natural process of tissue and cellular function deterioration experienced by all living ...
New research reveals the gut microbiota’s surprising role in aging and highlights promising therapies to counteract its effects on cellular health. Study: Gut microbial-derived ...
After injecting bacteria into a fungus—a process that ... Early attempts that fell short reveal that most cellular love affairs are unsuccessful. But by understanding how, why, and when ...
Understanding the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying this process is essential for proper diagnosis and prediction of outcome for cancer patients, and for developing new ways of preventing ...