And as for Joest, its second Le Mans double after 1984 and 1985 resulted in the team being picked up by Audi to run its LMP cars in top-flight ... achieved a single 1-2. Still, Schumacher ...
The dozens of upscale auction houses and high-brow dealers that rent floor space at Rétromobile bring together some of the world’s most amazing cars under ... and a 2.0-liter flat-six rated ...
With our vehicle comparison tool, you can select 2 cars from various brands, models, or years to determine the best deals and ensure you get the most value for your money. Since the experts at ...’s Conner Golden spent a week with the ... A new 48-volt mild-hybrid system gives the E350’s turbo 2.0-liter four-cylinder engine a power boost, bringing total output to 255 horsepower ...
Both of those things could be changing soon, and a wild new rumor suggests that the related cars will both use the same inline-six engine. Fred Smith's love of cars comes from his fascination with ...